Corn Manchurian (Gravy Version)

Today is Monday. And I have been dedicating a post to the foodie group, Foodie Monday Blog Hop on each Monday since a long time. This time the theme of the group (151th) is decided as ‘Corn Recipes’. Well, in India monsoon is now started in full phase. Corn is a food which is easily available during monsoons andContinue reading “Corn Manchurian (Gravy Version)”

Dry Chilli Jackfruit

Jackfruit is an exotic fruit grown in tropical regions of the world. Jackfruit has a spiky outer skin and is green (unripe) or yellow (ripe) in color. One unique aspect of jackfruit is its unusually large size and also this is the largest tree fruit in the world. This makes an excellent meat alternative in vegetarian andContinue reading “Dry Chilli Jackfruit”

Nimba Kadha Bhaja | Stir-fried Neem Bud with Eggplant & Potato

The Neem (Azadirachta Indica) is a tropical fast growing tree. In India, this is called as ‘pharmacy of the village’. An evergreen magical tree this is. Each part of the tree such as leaves, bark, fruits, flowers have been used for centuries in India for purposes like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, medicinal cures, insect repellents etc. From IndiaContinue reading “Nimba Kadha Bhaja | Stir-fried Neem Bud with Eggplant & Potato”

Grilled Eggplant with Tamarind Glaze

Now-a-days, where everything has been modified and changed, the written recipes which are the fundamental bedrock of how we cook and share food is also undergoing its own makeover. There was a time when a simple cake recipe was learned at a grandmother’s elbow, noted down on a worn recipe card or in a book with stainedContinue reading “Grilled Eggplant with Tamarind Glaze”

Sweet and Sour Bitter Gourd Curry | Khatta Meetha Karela

Bitter gourd !! The first thing that comes to my mind seeing it, is the bitterness in the name. Bitter foods do not appeal to many people, but the bitter gourd is a common food in Indian cuisine. This vegetable is commonly named as karela in Indian subcontinent. These are dark or light green in color depending onContinue reading “Sweet and Sour Bitter Gourd Curry | Khatta Meetha Karela”

Veggie Pearl Millet Tart | Veggie Bajra Tart

The tart is a baked dish which consists of a filling either sweet or savory on top of a pastry base. Basically tarts have an open top, not covered by pastry. The pastry used for tart is usually shortcrust pastry which does not puff up during baking and always maintains a ‘half-fat-to-flour’ ratio. Fat (butter, preferably cold)Continue reading “Veggie Pearl Millet Tart | Veggie Bajra Tart”

Manja Rai | Banana Stem Curry in Mustard Paste

In India, every household have planted many types of plants which may be banana, mango, drumstick, pumpkin, papaya etc in their backyard. Among all, banana tree is such an useful tree as most of its parts are used for cooking. Banana stem is the tender core of the tree. After taking the yield (banana) of the bananaContinue reading “Manja Rai | Banana Stem Curry in Mustard Paste”

Dahi Baingan | Doi Begun | Eggplant in Spiced Yogurt

Almost in every state of India, you can find different variety of this dish. They have their own style of making doi begun or dahi baingan. So this is a recipe where you can do a lot of combination. Basically the brinjal or baingan or begun are sliced neither thick nor thin. Then they areContinue reading “Dahi Baingan | Doi Begun | Eggplant in Spiced Yogurt”

Scrambled Cauliflower

You must have heard ‘scrambled egg’, ‘scrambled tofu’ before; but scrambled cauliflower, have you heard of it ? Well, today’s post is about the ‘scrambled cauliflower’. Turn the cauliflower into a scramble ! This is an awesome healthy vegan dish as a substitute for scrambled egg. This colorful and delicious dish can have variety ofContinue reading “Scrambled Cauliflower”

Matar ke Chilke ka Sabzi | Green Peas Peel Stir Fry with Spring Onion

We often throw out the peels of many vegetables as well as fruits before eating them. But do you know that, stripping away the outer layer(peel) removes a large concentration of nutrients ? Those peels contain many valuable antioxidants and insoluble fibers. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a large red apple with itsContinue reading “Matar ke Chilke ka Sabzi | Green Peas Peel Stir Fry with Spring Onion”

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