Pudina Sabudana Khichdi | Mint Tapioca Pilaf

Khichdi / Khichri / Khechidi !!After reading above line, you may either like it or make faces at it like how kids do 😉Well, the khichdi is an Indian version of culinary comfort which is basically made from rice and lentils. The term Khichdi is derived from Sanskrit word ‘khiccā’ which means a dish of riceContinue reading “Pudina Sabudana Khichdi | Mint Tapioca Pilaf”

Tapioca Pancake | Sabudana Thalipeeth – No oil recipe

Sago or sabudana is often considered as a super food which is full of energy and carbohydrates. Sago is basically extracted from the sago palm trees or more importantly from their stem in a starch form. Sago is also known as tapioca pearls. It is one of the rich sources of starch and carbohydrates and is usedContinue reading “Tapioca Pancake | Sabudana Thalipeeth – No oil recipe”

Tapioca Custard Apple Pudding | Sabudana Sitaphal Payasam

Sabudana Kheer / Sago Payasam / Tapioca Pudding is a very traditional Indian sweet dish. This is made across most regions of India specially during fasting. Besides satiating our taste buds in the fasting season, sabudana or tapioca pearl can fulfill the nutritional needs of the body. Sabudana is highly rich in carbohydrates. To theContinue reading “Tapioca Custard Apple Pudding | Sabudana Sitaphal Payasam”

Sago Dumpling (Veg)

Sago dumpling or Tapioca dumpling – a popular thai street snack food  made of outer layer of tapioca pearls. Instead of the commonly used minced pork in the dumpling, I have created a vegetarian version with sauteed veggies like cabbage, carrot and beans. This is an easy recipe after you master the art of making the circularContinue reading “Sago Dumpling (Veg)”

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