Kachumbar Salad Cup

Summer is still going on. And there is nothing like a fresh salad on these hot summer days to beat the heat. Salads are ideal summertime meals as they are quick, nutritious and don’t require much time to prepare. Salads are the mixtures of fresh fruits, vegetables with an array of different combinations of dressing. Actually eatingContinue reading “Kachumbar Salad Cup”

Pineapple Burger

Monday is here again !!! So the Foodie Monday Blog Hop has come up with the138th theme as ‘Pineapple’. Pineapples are members of the bromeliad family and one of the few bromeliads to produce edible fruit according to some studies. The fruit is actually made of many individual berries that fuse together around a central core. Each pineapple scaleContinue reading “Pineapple Burger”

Chickpea Slaw

Slaw also known as cole slaw or coleslaw is a salad consisting primarily of finely shredded raw cabbage and dressed most commonly with a vinaigrette salad dressing (made by mixing an oil with something acidic like vinegar or lemon juice and enhanced with salt, some herbs). Slaw is a Dutch originated word which is shortenedContinue reading “Chickpea Slaw”

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