Koshala Saga Tarkari | Amaranth Leaves Curry

Monday is here again !! Monday means there must be a post for Foodie Monday Blog Hop team. This time the theme (171th) is decided as ‘SaagSaga‘. That means we have to make a post using any leafy green vegetable aka saag. Well when the theme was chosen, from that day I had listed a no. of dishes in myContinue reading “Koshala Saga Tarkari | Amaranth Leaves Curry”

Drumstick Leave Fry with Moong Dal | Sajana Saga Muga

The leaves of drumsticks are known as Moringa leaves / Drumstick leaves / Sajana saga (in odia). These leaves are one of my most favorite leafy greens from rest others. These are loaded with valuable minerals, vitamins and proteins which results in a variety of health benefits. The moringa leaves are a great energy booster and areContinue reading “Drumstick Leave Fry with Moong Dal | Sajana Saga Muga”

Potato Amaranth Leaves Patties | Aloo Chaulia Tikkis

Saag – the Indian name for all green leafy vegetables, forms an integral part of various regional cuisines through out the country. Loaded with vitamins and essential minerals, this is the best way of fueling up on the season’s best offerings. While palak (spinach), methi (fenugreek), hari piyaj (spring onions) etc are on top ofContinue reading “Potato Amaranth Leaves Patties | Aloo Chaulia Tikkis”

Pita Saga (Glinus Oppositifolius) Bati Basa

Pita saga (glinus oppositifolius) bati basa – Pita saga (glinus oppositifolius) is cooked in a coarsely pounded mustard-garlic-green chili paste along with chopped eggplant, tomato and potato. The botanical name of the pita saga is Glinus oppositifolius. Glinus oppositifolius is an erect or almost prostrate, much-branched annual herb. This annual herb is bitter in tasteContinue reading “Pita Saga (Glinus Oppositifolius) Bati Basa”

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