Orange Milk Pudding | Komala Payasam | Santre ka Kheer

The festive season of Chaitra Navratri begins from today. This is a nine-day festival which commences on the first day of Hindu Luni-Solar calendar and culminates with Ram Navami. Chaitra Navratri is also known as Vasanta Navratri and some even named this festival as Rama Navratri. It is the time for both festivities as well asContinue reading “Orange Milk Pudding | Komala Payasam | Santre ka Kheer”

Eggless Hedgehog Cookies with Orange flavor

Food art means the arts of preparation, cooking and presentation of food, usually in the form of meals. Food brings out so many different reactions in people. Some people are drawn by taste, however some others might be tempted by its smells and visual appearance. For thousands of years, people have sought not only to make foodContinue reading “Eggless Hedgehog Cookies with Orange flavor”

Vegan Orange Blueberry Mini Bundt Cake

Yeah !!! It’s again a recipe using Blueberries 🙂Some blueberries were still left with me after making virgin blueberry lemonade. December means its the season of one of my favorite fruit, Orange. That may be orange or lemon, I just love all citrus flavors. So the thought of making some mini bundt cakes using these two fruits, blueberryContinue reading “Vegan Orange Blueberry Mini Bundt Cake”

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