Koshala Saga Tarkari | Amaranth Leaves Curry

Monday is here again !! Monday means there must be a post for Foodie Monday Blog Hop team. This time the theme (171th) is decided as ‘SaagSaga‘. That means we have to make a post using any leafy green vegetable aka saag. Well when the theme was chosen, from that day I had listed a no. of dishes in myContinue reading “Koshala Saga Tarkari | Amaranth Leaves Curry”

Drumstick Leave Fry with Moong Dal | Sajana Saga Muga

The leaves of drumsticks are known as Moringa leaves / Drumstick leaves / Sajana saga (in odia). These leaves are one of my most favorite leafy greens from rest others. These are loaded with valuable minerals, vitamins and proteins which results in a variety of health benefits. The moringa leaves are a great energy booster and areContinue reading “Drumstick Leave Fry with Moong Dal | Sajana Saga Muga”


Wish you all a very happy Diwali !!!Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights which is celebrated every year in the months between mid-October to mid-November in Indian subcontinent. Diwali is also known as Deepavali and its spirituality signifies ‘the victory of the light over the darkness’, ‘good over the evil’.The celebration of this festivalContinue reading “Rasabali”

Kheer Sagar

Subho Mahalaya everyone !!! Mahalaya marks the start of the Durga Puja festival. On this day, the goddess Durga is believed to have descended to Earth. Then the festival of Navratri comes. In the word Navratri, Nava means nine and Ratri means nights. So basically this is a nine day celebration of Goddess Durga. Hindus celebrate this withContinue reading “Kheer Sagar”

Nadia Bara Tarkari | Coconut Cutlet Curry (without onion n garlic)

Coconut, Sriphala is a fruit which belongs to the Cocos nucifera palm. This mature nut, Coconut has slowly become a versatile food and are being used in everything from our daily cuisine to our beauty regimens. Hundreds of coconut species are found all over India and its taste varies according to its soil alkalinity. Those who believeContinue reading “Nadia Bara Tarkari | Coconut Cutlet Curry (without onion n garlic)”

Meetha Amba Khatta | Raw Mango Relish (sweet version)

In any festival or function of Odisha, Khatta is a must to be prepared dish. The odia word ‘Khatta’ means tangy. Actually there are a variety of khatta from Odia cuisine like sapuri (pineapple) khatta, tomato khatta, tomato khajuri (dates) khatta, meetha amba khatta, kakharu (pumpkin) khatta etc. And when mangoes are in season, then mangoContinue reading “Meetha Amba Khatta | Raw Mango Relish (sweet version)”

Panasa Katha Muga Dalma | Jackfruits with Moong Dal

Dalma is a traditional and famous delicacy from the state of Odisha. Basically this is a type of dish where the lentil or dal cooked with different nutritious vegetables and less spices. The dish is easy to prepare, also packed with proteins from the dal & minerals, vitamins from vegetables. So it is the perfect combination ofContinue reading “Panasa Katha Muga Dalma | Jackfruits with Moong Dal”

Chaulachuna Poda Pitha | Rice Flour Cake – Raja Festival Celebration

Raja Festival – celebration of womanhood is finally approaching which is a three-day-long festival in Odisha, normally falls upon 14th, 15th and 16th June ! The term Raja has come from Rajaswala which means a menstruating woman. In villages of Odisha, some mythologies still present that the mother goddess Earth undergoes menstruation during the first three days. SoContinue reading “Chaulachuna Poda Pitha | Rice Flour Cake – Raja Festival Celebration”

Chhena Poda | Baked Cottage Cheesecake

Chhena Poda is an extremely popular smoky flavored sweet delicacy from the state of Odisha in Indian subcontinent. The odia word ‘poda’ means burnt and ‘chhena‘ means cottage cheese, so Chhena Poda literally indicates a burnt cheesecake. And this is believed that this sweet dish is one of the most favorite dessert of Lord Jagannath in Puri,Continue reading “Chhena Poda | Baked Cottage Cheesecake”

Amba Nimba Jhola | Mango Neem Bud Curry

Finally the summer is in full swing !! With the high mercury level, the scorching sun has the potential to drain us out completely. By ignoring this, many feel dehydrated during these months and experienced low energy level. So, it is important that we should take extra care during this hot season. From eating rightContinue reading “Amba Nimba Jhola | Mango Neem Bud Curry”

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