Gulab Jamun Shot

Gulab Jamuns !!!! I know, any sweet person particularly any Indian starts salivating after hearing this dessert name 😉A well known classic Indian sweet or dessert, gulab jamun is enjoyed in most festival celebrations. Traditionally these sweets are prepared from milk solids (khoya). The word gulab means Rose and jamun means an Indian berry. Since thisContinue reading “Gulab Jamun Shot”

Kachumbar Salad Cup

Summer is still going on. And there is nothing like a fresh salad on these hot summer days to beat the heat. Salads are ideal summertime meals as they are quick, nutritious and don’t require much time to prepare. Salads are the mixtures of fresh fruits, vegetables with an array of different combinations of dressing. Actually eatingContinue reading “Kachumbar Salad Cup”

Apricot Truffles (Vegan & Gluten free)

Ramdan, the annual fast for Islamic religion is going on all over the world which normally falls from mid-May to mid-June. For Muslims, Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year and each Muslim fasts every day from sunrise to sunset. They abstain from eating any food, drinking any liquids, smoking anything from sunrise to sunset.Continue reading “Apricot Truffles (Vegan & Gluten free)”

Aamras – Cardamom Flavored Mango Puree

Maharashtrian cuisine which belongs to Maharashtra, one of the western state of India is well known for its most tempting and lip smacking delicacies that are full of flavors and spices. Though it is characterized as mildly spicy food, the cuisine ranges from street food to snacks to fine cuisine. The food here is diverse because of theContinue reading “Aamras – Cardamom Flavored Mango Puree”

Namkin Sattu Sharbat | Sattu ka Ghol | Savory Gram-flour Quencher

Sattu is nothing but roasted gram flour or black chickpea flour. This ingredient is widely prominent in North India particularly in the state of Bihar for its nutritional value and health benefits. Initially, sattu became the consumption of villagers only, but now it is famous all over and becomes one of the Indian super-foods. Anybody might get confusedContinue reading “Namkin Sattu Sharbat | Sattu ka Ghol | Savory Gram-flour Quencher”

Kiwi Pistachio Lassi | Kiwi Pistachio Yogurt Smoothie

Lassi – a cooling yogurt drink which is the most popular beverage in India during summer. Basically Lassi is a creamy, frothy yogurt-based drink, blended well with a varieties of fruits and seasonings. This beverage has its root from the state of Punjab in Indian subcontinent. Lassi comes in two distinct varieties as sweet and salty. The sweetContinue reading “Kiwi Pistachio Lassi | Kiwi Pistachio Yogurt Smoothie”

Bael Panna | Bael ka Sharbat

Bael is a spiritual, religious and medicinal plant. This is one of the few Ayurvedic plants whose entire parts from root to leaves are used for different diseases. The bael fruit is a large but dull orange in color. It has a hard shell and has to be cracked with hammer or machete to open up. The pulpContinue reading “Bael Panna | Bael ka Sharbat”

Dry Fruits Yogurt Bites

Yogurt is a healthy choice regardless of whether you choose Greek yogurt or regular yogurt. Greek yogurt has surged in popularity in recent years and with some good reasons. What differentiates Greek yogurt from the regular yogurt is that Greek yogurt has been strained to remove the whey. As a result, Greek yogurt has a creamier, thickerContinue reading “Dry Fruits Yogurt Bites”

Cold Brew Coffee with Cardamom flavor

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Really there can’t be any adult in this whole world that has never tried coffee 😉. Well, moderate amount of drinking coffee is safe and 2-3 cups a day may have some health benefits according to some research. Though fruits and vegetables have tons of antioxidants,Continue reading “Cold Brew Coffee with Cardamom flavor”

Tropical Fruit Greek Yogurt Parfait

Monday, the starting day of a week ! If you are following my blog posts, then you might know that I have been part of a group known as ‘Foodie Monday Blog Hop‘ where each Monday all group member share a post according to a theme decided before hand. This time, means the 139th theme is decidedContinue reading “Tropical Fruit Greek Yogurt Parfait”

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