Amba Nimba Jhola | Mango Neem Bud Curry

Finally the summer is in full swing !! With the high mercury level, the scorching sun has the potential to drain us out completely. By ignoring this, many feel dehydrated during these months and experienced low energy level. So, it is important that we should take extra care during this hot season. From eating rightContinue reading “Amba Nimba Jhola | Mango Neem Bud Curry”

Nimba Kadha Bhaja | Stir-fried Neem Bud with Eggplant & Potato

The Neem (Azadirachta Indica) is a tropical fast growing tree. In India, this is called as ‘pharmacy of the village’. AnĀ evergreen magical tree this is. Each part of the tree such as leaves, bark, fruits, flowers have been used for centuries inĀ India for purposes like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, medicinal cures, insect repellents etc. From IndiaContinue reading “Nimba Kadha Bhaja | Stir-fried Neem Bud with Eggplant & Potato”

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