Date Truffles using Oats

Cuisines across the world use dates in small and large quantities, but it is also important to note that the fruit of the date palm tree also comes with a lot of health benefits. These sweet fruits are packed with plenty of nutrients, making them an excellent snack in moderation. Dates normally grow on date palms inContinue reading “Date Truffles using Oats”

Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter

Sandwiches !!!! Most of us here love to eat sandwiches. These are basically consisted of either 2-3 bread slices stacked up with some filling in between or 1 bread slice with toppings. There are three basic components to any type of sandwich as the bread, the filling and the spread or the accompaniment. Each part contributes a greatContinue reading “Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter”

Thukpa (Vegan Version)

A soup is a flavorful and nutritious liquid food served at the first of several courses which is intended just to whet the appetite. This may be one of many dishes served at the same time or a hearty meal served in a bowl. Soups have been made since ancient times. There are basically two categories ofContinue reading “Thukpa (Vegan Version)”

Lavang Latika (Baked Version)

Durga Puja is the one of the most famous festival celebrated in West Bengal state of Indian subcontinent and particularly in Kolkata, in honor of Goddess Durga during the period of Navaratri. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil. Although this is celebrated for 10 days, but the main 5 days of Durga Puja, which startsContinue reading “Lavang Latika (Baked Version)”

Ragi Malt (salty version)

Millet is one of the oldest human foods and believed to be the first domesticated cereal grain. Among all the varieties of millet, Finger millet / Ragi / Mandia / Nachni is an important staple food in India. It has a slightly higher water requirement than most other millet. The plant carries several spikes / fingers atContinue reading “Ragi Malt (salty version)”

Noon Chai | Kashmiri Pink Chai | Sheer Chai

The cuisine of Kashmir, the land of fruits and nuts in Indian subcontinent has been influenced by Iran, Afghan and Central Asian styles of cooking. Still, a collection of recipes from Kashmiri cuisine that are not just delicious but also easy to cook. All recipes are loaded with flavors and spices and hence the dishes have an uniqueContinue reading “Noon Chai | Kashmiri Pink Chai | Sheer Chai”

Nadia Bara Tarkari | Coconut Cutlet Curry (without onion n garlic)

Coconut, Sriphala is a fruit which belongs to the Cocos nucifera palm. This mature nut, Coconut has slowly become a versatile food and are being used in everything from our daily cuisine to our beauty regimens. Hundreds of coconut species are found all over India and its taste varies according to its soil alkalinity. Those who believeContinue reading “Nadia Bara Tarkari | Coconut Cutlet Curry (without onion n garlic)”

Mango Jam – no Sugar, no Pectin, no Artificial Color

Fruit preserves means the preparations of fruits along with some sweetener like sugar and then either canned or sealed to store for a longer shelf life. Varieties of fruit preserves are jam, jelly, marmalade etc. All these preserves differ from each other in consistency, ingredients used and the preparation method. But each of these preserves is so easyContinue reading “Mango Jam – no Sugar, no Pectin, no Artificial Color”

Kiwi Pistachio Lassi | Kiwi Pistachio Yogurt Smoothie

Lassi – a cooling yogurt drink which is the most popular beverage in India during summer. Basically Lassi is a creamy, frothy yogurt-based drink, blended well with a varieties of fruits and seasonings. This beverage has its root from the state of Punjab in Indian subcontinent. Lassi comes in two distinct varieties as sweet and salty. The sweetContinue reading “Kiwi Pistachio Lassi | Kiwi Pistachio Yogurt Smoothie”

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