Lilva kachori Chaat

Gujarati cuisine originates from a western Indian state, Gujarat. Gujarati food is probably unique in that it is dominantly vegetarian. Besides being predominantly vegetarian, the cuisine of Gujarat holds the distinction for being one of the oldest in the country. There are slight differences in food habits and methods of preparation throughout Gujarat, owing to climactic and culturalContinue reading “Lilva kachori Chaat”

Baked Lilva Kachori | Baked Tuvar Kachori | Baked Pigeon Pea Stuffed Ball

Eating healthier doesn’t mean we have to give up snacking. In fact, snacking can be an excellent way to control cravings and keep us satisfied between meals as long as we snack in a smart way 😉. Healthy snacks can keep energy levels up and give us the needed nutrients. Some smart snacking tips for a healthyContinue reading “Baked Lilva Kachori | Baked Tuvar Kachori | Baked Pigeon Pea Stuffed Ball”

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