Christmas Fruit Cookies – Vegan version

Tomorrow is Christmas which will be celebrated among billions of people around the world. The year’s most celebrated holiday on December 25th is important both for homes and churches worldwide. When the time comes for the winter holidays, the traditional food plays an important part of the celebrations in countries around the world.  Christmas celebrationContinue reading “Christmas Fruit Cookies – Vegan version”

Spiced Beetroot Buttermilk with Roasted flavor | Bhune Chukandar Masala Chaas

Beetroot or Beet or Chukandar (in Hindi) is typically a root vegetable. Good quality, fresh beetroots should have their green leaves intact. Beets are a low-calorie food packed with a variety of nutrients. The health benefits of beets are wide ranging. Like most other plant-based foods, beets are high in nutrients yet low in calories. The antioxidantsContinue reading “Spiced Beetroot Buttermilk with Roasted flavor | Bhune Chukandar Masala Chaas”

Baked Chenna Tikkis | Baked Cottage Cheese Patties

Monday is here again !!! The Foodie Monday Blog Hop team has come up with an interesting theme this time for the theme no- 173rd as ‘Toddler Finger Food‘. That means the food has to be prepared in such a way that the toddler can easily pick and eat the dish without any other’s help. Well, toddlers are atContinue reading “Baked Chenna Tikkis | Baked Cottage Cheese Patties”

Fruit & Nut Shortbread Cookies

Shortbread, a traditional Scottish baked good is a type of cookie with high butter content. Since butter was such an important ingredient here, so the word ‘shortbread’ is derived from this shortening (butter). The traditional recipe of these cookies is one part sugar, two parts butter with three parts flour; but these days, there are a lotContinue reading “Fruit & Nut Shortbread Cookies”

Koshala Saga Tarkari | Amaranth Leaves Curry

Monday is here again !! Monday means there must be a post for Foodie Monday Blog Hop team. This time the theme (171th) is decided as ‘SaagSaga‘. That means we have to make a post using any leafy green vegetable aka saag. Well when the theme was chosen, from that day I had listed a no. of dishes in myContinue reading “Koshala Saga Tarkari | Amaranth Leaves Curry”

Green Tea Lemonade (VIRGIN)

After Diwali, the major Hindu festive season is almost completed in India. From namkeen snacks to plates full of mithais, everything have indulged by us during that time. Hence the festive season results in the gaining weight. Also after this period, there is always a seasonal change and our body really needs to detoxify in order to beContinue reading “Green Tea Lemonade (VIRGIN)”

Masala Maggi Tart

Monday… Monday… Monday !!!!!!Well as I have in a group called Foodie Monday Blog Hop where each Monday we, the group members fix a theme and as per theme We make a fresh post. This time, the 169th theme is decided as ‘The Beginner Recipe’. That means we have to recreate the first ever made recipe of our life. SoContinue reading “Masala Maggi Tart”

Sandwich Bread Chaat

Chaat !!! Who can deny to have this, particularly no Indian can resist it 😄Well, chaat is popularly eaten as a snack / a light meal and is one of the famous Indian street food. The word ‘chaat’ here comes from a Hindi verb ‘chaatna’ which means ‘to lick’. The base of the chaat mostly areContinue reading “Sandwich Bread Chaat”

Carrot Turmeric Soup (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Monday is here again !! Monday means there must be a post for Foodie Monday Blog Hop team. This time the theme (167th) is decided as ‘Rooting for roots except potato‘. That means we have to make a post using any root vegetable but not the potato. Well root vegetables are the vegetables which are grown underground. They haveContinue reading “Carrot Turmeric Soup (Vegan & Gluten-free)”

Ginger Fried Rice (no-Onion-no-Garlic version)

There are plenty of ways to cook up juicy and flavorful food without adding tons of unnecessary extras. While most people know to ditch the fryer when cooking up healthy meals, many don’t think about how their cooking method affects the nutritional value of their intake. Commonly used cooking methods are divided into two general groups asContinue reading “Ginger Fried Rice (no-Onion-no-Garlic version)”

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