Baked Chenna Tikkis | Baked Cottage Cheese Patties

Monday is here again !!! The Foodie Monday Blog Hop team has come up with an interesting theme this time for the theme no- 173rd as ‘Toddler Finger Food‘. That means the food has to be prepared in such a way that the toddler can easily pick and eat the dish without any other’s help. Well, toddlers are atContinue reading “Baked Chenna Tikkis | Baked Cottage Cheese Patties”


Wish you all a very happy Diwali !!!Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights which is celebrated every year in the months between mid-October to mid-November in Indian subcontinent. Diwali is also known as Deepavali and its spirituality signifies ‘the victory of the light over the darkness’, ‘good over the evil’.The celebration of this festivalContinue reading “Rasabali”

Kheer Sagar

Subho Mahalaya everyone !!! Mahalaya marks the start of the Durga Puja festival. On this day, the goddess Durga is believed to have descended to Earth. Then the festival of Navratri comes. In the word Navratri, Nava means nine and Ratri means nights. So basically this is a nine day celebration of Goddess Durga. Hindus celebrate this withContinue reading “Kheer Sagar”

Guava Kalakand Modak

Festive season is finally going to be started which we Indian think from Ganesha Chaturthi. Ganesha Chaturthi / Vinayaka Chaturthi is a ten-day Hindu festival celebrated to honor the elephant-headed God Ganesha’s birthday who is the younger son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. As per Hindu mythology, Lord Ganesha is considered as “Vigana Harta” (one who removes obstacles) and “Buddhi Pradaayaka”Continue reading “Guava Kalakand Modak”

Chhena Poda | Baked Cottage Cheesecake

Chhena Poda is an extremely popular smoky flavored sweet delicacy from the state of Odisha in Indian subcontinent. The odia word ‘poda’ means burnt and ‘chhena‘ means cottage cheese, so Chhena Poda literally indicates a burnt cheesecake. And this is believed that this sweet dish is one of the most favorite dessert of Lord Jagannath in Puri,Continue reading “Chhena Poda | Baked Cottage Cheesecake”

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