Eggless Black Forest Cake

Hurray !! I have reached a milestone, this post is my 100th no. of post. While writing my first food post, I realized I was a bit late to this foodie blogger marathon. But as they say, better late than never, right ?  I started food-blogging as a bit of hobby. I knew it was something IContinue reading “Eggless Black Forest Cake”

Countdown to Midnight Chocolate Cake

Today is 31st December. Have you planned anything special for your guest to ring in the new year 2017 ? If not, then here I have come up with a most interesting and delicious cake, countdown to midnight chocolate cake. This cake is purely eggless and butterless, also so simple to make. A beautiful clock ticking itsContinue reading “Countdown to Midnight Chocolate Cake”

Eggless Christmas Tree Chocolate Cookies

Hmm …. It’s Christmas time. So did you think of making a Christmas tree at home ? And what about making a Christmas tree to which we can eat ! Voila !! Heard right. The Christmas tree can be eaten and also can be a center piece of attraction on the dining table of aContinue reading “Eggless Christmas Tree Chocolate Cookies”

Eggless Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti

Biscotti also known as ‘cantuccini’ are the authentic italian biscuits. The word ‘biscotti’ means twice-baked, and these type of biscuits are baked twice in oven. Basically these are oblong shaped as well as dry and crunchy in texture. Due to baked twice, these are very dry and hence can be stored for a longer periods.Continue reading “Eggless Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti”

Eggless Choco Pinwheel Cookies or Choco Swirl Cookies

Eggless choco pinwheel cookies or choco swirl cookies !! Wow, i just did it finally. It was on my to-do list since a long time. Here the chocolate cookie dough & the vanilla cookie dough rolled together in order to make the most stunning looking cookies.  They mostly taste like a mix of chocolate & plain vanillaContinue reading “Eggless Choco Pinwheel Cookies or Choco Swirl Cookies”

Eggless Tutti Frutti Cookies

Eggless tutti frutti cookie looks beautiful as well as tastes great. Here I have added orange flavor to the cookies. Especially tutti frutti & orange flavor goes very well with each other. So do try this cookies by following below steps. Preparation Time : 30 mins   |   Chilling Time : 60 mins   | Continue reading “Eggless Tutti Frutti Cookies”

Eggless Tutti Frutti Muffin

The eggless tutti frutti muffin is an excellent one and can be used in snacks / breakfast. Yogurt is used as a substitute of egg here. Adding tutti frutti enhances the taste of the dish which results in a much colorful and yummy sweet bake dish and hence will be liked much by kids. These muffinsContinue reading “Eggless Tutti Frutti Muffin”

​​​​​​​Baked Eggless Caramel Custard Pudding

The eggless caramel custard is a light and tasty pudding featuring the custard baked in the caramelized moulds. The textures and flavours of this pudding represent it as an exotic dessert. It’s really a good alternative for those people who hate drinking plain milk. So here is the recipe for this tasty pudding. Preparation TimeContinue reading “​​​​​​​Baked Eggless Caramel Custard Pudding”

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