Tomato & Mixed Herb Focaccia Bread

Happy Christmas to all my reader here !!As you all know that yesterday I had prepared the Christmas special fruity cookies which are completely Vegan and APF (maida) free and also posted in the previous post. So while munching those fruity cookies on yesterday evening, hubby suggested to make some focaccia bread since I hadContinue reading “Tomato & Mixed Herb Focaccia Bread”

Christmas Fruit Cookies – Vegan version

Tomorrow is Christmas which will be celebrated among billions of people around the world. The year’s most celebrated holiday on December 25th is important both for homes and churches worldwide. When the time comes for the winter holidays, the traditional food plays an important part of the celebrations in countries around the world.  Christmas celebrationContinue reading “Christmas Fruit Cookies – Vegan version”

Spiced Beetroot Buttermilk with Roasted flavor | Bhune Chukandar Masala Chaas

Beetroot or Beet or Chukandar (in Hindi) is typically a root vegetable. Good quality, fresh beetroots should have their green leaves intact. Beets are a low-calorie food packed with a variety of nutrients. The health benefits of beets are wide ranging. Like most other plant-based foods, beets are high in nutrients yet low in calories. The antioxidantsContinue reading “Spiced Beetroot Buttermilk with Roasted flavor | Bhune Chukandar Masala Chaas”

Masala Biscuits / Spicy Cookies (salted)

This month for the ‘Recipe Swap Challenge‘, I have paired up with Paarul from ‘Paarulz Kitchen‘. I know her since a long time through some other social group and here blog is full of lovely recipes. After pairing up, I was coming across a no of posts at here blog and finally I ended up with a basicContinue reading “Masala Biscuits / Spicy Cookies (salted)”

Fruit & Nut Shortbread Cookies

Shortbread, a traditional Scottish baked good is a type of cookie with high butter content. Since butter was such an important ingredient here, so the word ‘shortbread’ is derived from this shortening (butter). The traditional recipe of these cookies is one part sugar, two parts butter with three parts flour; but these days, there are a lotContinue reading “Fruit & Nut Shortbread Cookies”

Eggless Oats Sesame Cookies

When it comes to foods that are ideal for healthy diet, oats are one of the top grains to choose then. Oats are well known for their high fiber content due to which they aid digestion. These are basically whole grains that are gluten free, making them extremely beneficial to eat. Well, few days before I haveContinue reading “Eggless Oats Sesame Cookies”

Lavang Latika (Baked Version)

Durga Puja is the one of the most famous festival celebrated in West Bengal state of Indian subcontinent and particularly in Kolkata, in honor of Goddess Durga during the period of Navaratri. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil. Although this is celebrated for 10 days, but the main 5 days of Durga Puja, which startsContinue reading “Lavang Latika (Baked Version)”

Rozky | Slovak Bread Roll

Once again I am back with my fellow food blogger, Jolly who suggested to start another event ‘Recipe Swap Challenge‘ where two members’ll pair and has to share a dish from their partner’s blog. Isn’t so interesting ?? For me it’s a superb idea and I joined the group. Many-times what happens is, some dishes from our fellow food bloggers attractsContinue reading “Rozky | Slovak Bread Roll”

Chhena Poda | Baked Cottage Cheesecake

Chhena Poda is an extremely popular smoky flavored sweet delicacy from the state of Odisha in Indian subcontinent. The odia word ‘poda’ means burnt and ‘chhena‘ means cottage cheese, so Chhena Poda literally indicates a burnt cheesecake. And this is believed that this sweet dish is one of the most favorite dessert of Lord Jagannath in Puri,Continue reading “Chhena Poda | Baked Cottage Cheesecake”

Baked Lilva Kachori | Baked Tuvar Kachori | Baked Pigeon Pea Stuffed Ball

Eating healthier doesn’t mean we have to give up snacking. In fact, snacking can be an excellent way to control cravings and keep us satisfied between meals as long as we snack in a smart way 😉. Healthy snacks can keep energy levels up and give us the needed nutrients. Some smart snacking tips for a healthyContinue reading “Baked Lilva Kachori | Baked Tuvar Kachori | Baked Pigeon Pea Stuffed Ball”

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