Drumstick Leave Fry with Moong Dal | Sajana Saga Muga

The leaves of drumsticks are known as Moringa leaves / Drumstick leaves / Sajana saga (in odia). These leaves are one of my most favorite leafy greens from rest others. These are loaded with valuable minerals, vitamins and proteins which results in a variety of health benefits. The moringa leaves are a great energy booster and areContinue reading “Drumstick Leave Fry with Moong Dal | Sajana Saga Muga”

Cabbage Rabri

Cabbage, a round / oval leafy vegetable is made up of soft, light green / whitish inner leaves followed by a bit harder and dark green outer leaves. It comes in a variety of shapes as well as colors which include red, purple, green, brussels sprout (tiny cabbage), napa, bok choy etc. But if anyone point outContinue reading “Cabbage Rabri”

Apple Boondi Halwa

Well few days ago one of my fellow blogger, Jolly suggested to start a event based upon alphabet. The idea is basically to prepare a dish whose main ingredient starts with the chosen alphabet. So finally the event ‘A to Z Recipe Challenge‘ is started and this is the first month with the first alphabet A. From childhood,Continue reading “Apple Boondi Halwa”

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