Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter

Sandwiches !!!! Most of us here love to eat sandwiches. These are basically consisted of either 2-3 bread slices stacked up with some filling in between or 1 bread slice with toppings. There are three basic components to any type of sandwich as the bread, the filling and the spread or the accompaniment. Each part contributes a great role in making a sandwich even more interesting. The best thing in a sandwich is that we can personalize however we like.

For me, sandwiches are much comfort food. Whenever I am in a hurry, I always choose these quick and easy breakfast / snack option. There is also no need of any cooking expertization while making these. Normally these are prepared in a sandwich maker, but also if this appliance is not available at your place then even a pan can play the role. Just toast for few time and serve to munch on. 

Here I have come up with a kid’s friendly sandwich as ‘Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter‘. Why about kids only, even any chocolate lover will surely like these type of sandwiches. Although I have used wheat bread, still any bread of your choice can be used here. Simply first spread the peanut butter on a bread slice, put chocolate chips, cover with another bread slice, toast and voila !! The dish is ready to grab 😉 This type of sandwiches taste sweet with a nutty flavor. So do try soon for your kids, even for yourself too 😃

Author: SasmitaPrint Recipe

Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter

Kids friendly sweet sandwiches with a nutty flavor
prep time: 2 minscook time: 10 minstotal time: 12 mins


  • Bread Slice   :  10 no
  • Chocolate chips  :  1/4 cup
  • Peanut butter  :   as needed


  1. First take bread slices and start spreading peanut butter on one side of each bread slice.
  2. Then put white and dark chocolate chips on 5 bread slices evenly, keeping in mind not to put much because while toasting, the chocolate melts and starts to ooze out from the sandwiches.
  3. Next cover these chocolate chips with rest 5 bread slices.
  4. Heat a pan and place these sandwiches.
  5. Allow to toast on both side, flipping in between till crusty and golden in color.
  6. Cut each sandwiches into halves and serve immediately with a glass of milk !


  • Any type of bread like wheat / brown bread / multigrain bread can be used.

  • Always keep in mind not to put much chocolate chips on the bread slices because while toasting, the chocolate melts and starts to ooze out from the sandwiches.

  • Roughly chopped chocolate chunks can be chosen if chocolate chips are not available.

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If you tried my recipe and enjoyed fully, then please share some pictures of your creation with me. Also give your valuable feedback either in the comment box below or tag me as @firsttimercook on Instagram. You may also follow me on FacebookPinterestTwitterGoogle+Instagram and can subscribe for free to get new recipes directly into your inbox 😊

PIN to read later :

This ‘Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter‘ is contributed for 57th Healthy Wellthy Cuisines where the theme is Sandwich Fest at HW. Here are more similar recipes shared by our Healthy Wealthy Group members as Veggie Chickpea Salad SandwichMediterranian kale sandwichHeirloom Tomatoes and Avocado Tartines, Cheese & Curried Babycorn SandwichGrilled Vegetable SandwichPaneer Chutney SandwichBaked Falafel SandwichSesame veg sandwichVeg Cheese Sandwich.

8 thoughts on “Chocolate Sandwich with Peanut Butter

  1. There's a shop in Bangalore that sells delish chocolate sandwiches. They are a huge hit with adults and kids alike. Good to have a recipe for the same that I can try out at home. 🙂 Looks lovely!


  2. Wow Sasmita dear!! Your clicks are making me drool here! Peanut butter and chocolate are my all-time favorite combination! Using chocolate chips and grilling them in sandwiches sounds so divine and chocolaty! Will make this for sure!


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